Different types of area in building

1.     What is Carpet Area?

Ans:  As the name suggest, carpet area means the area of the property where you can lay your carpet, measured wall to wall. This is the actual area which you can call your personal space and you should be really concerned about.
Area included in carpet area:
v All rooms – living rooms, bed rooms, dining rooms, dressing room and other rooms
v Kitchen and bathroom
v Stores and balconies
Area not included in carpet area:
v External and internal walls
v Common area
Note: terrace is not included in carpet area calculation
The carpet area can be calculated by:

Carpet area =  

2.        What is built-up area or plinth area?

Ans: Built-up area or the plinth area is the total covered area of the structure property units (apartment or commercial). It can be calculated by adding an area of utility ducts within the property unit, internal and external wall to the carpet area. As the rule of thumb, built-up area can be calculated by adding 10% loading factor on carpet area .this term is not so important while buying the property but it becomes important while dealing with government department like property taxes.
The area included in built-up / plinth area:
v  Entire carpet area
v  Internal and external area
v Utility ducts within walls of the units
Area not included in built-up / plinth area:
v common area

3.     What is super built-up area?

Ans: Super built-up area means built-up area plus common area proportioned to a unit. As the rule of thumb, the super built-up area can be calculated by adding a loading factor to the carpet area, which may vary from 15% to 50%. The lower the factor the better it is for you as a costumer as you get a higher carpet area for same amount.
Area included in super built-up area:
v Entire built-up area
v Common area – lobby, lift duct, staircase, pipe duct, air  duct, covered community center/club, other covered common facilities.
Area not included in the super built-up area:
v Roof terrace
v Open area like park, gardens, playing area etc.

Upper shaded part: carpet area
Extreme external line covered area: super area
Upper inner boundary: built up area
4.     What is floor area?
Ans: The plinth area less the area of the wall is called floor area.

The area included in wall area:
v Door and another opening in the wall
v Immediate pillars etc.
5.     What is circulation area or free space area?
Ans: A certain amount of free space area is required for movement and access to different room Sitting room, kitchen, bath etc. for those who use the building which is known as circulation or free space area.

The area included in circulation area:
v Verandahs
v Balconies
v Passage
v Corridor
v Entrance hall
v Staircase
v Mumties
v Shaft for lift

·        Plinth area = carpet area + circulation area + wall area
·        Estimated cost of building from plinth area method =
      [Plinth area of building x plinth area of the locality for similar building constructed recently]


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